International Student Scholarships in Science at
University of Hull, UK
Scholarships for International Applicants in Biological Science, Biomedical,
Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Geography, Psychology, Sport
Science for undergraduate and taught postgraduate studies 2011-2012, UK
Scholarship Description:
A number of Scholarships are available to non UK and
non EU students for undergraduate and taught postgraduate studies in the following
subject areas:
• Biological Sciences
• Biomedical Science
• Chemistry
• Computer Science
• Engineering
• Physics
• Geography*
• Psychology
• Sports Science
The deadline for applications is 1 September 2011.
The Scholarship Scheme is for entry in the Session 2011/12 only. The Scheme
applies to international (non-UK and non-EU) studentsmaking applications for a
fulltime taught programme of study only and includes students wishing to enter
directly into years 2, 3 or 4 of the programme of study. The closing date for
applications for Scholarships is 1 September 2011 and Applications should
bemade direct to the relevant department or the International Office.
No application for a Scholarship shall be considered without the Department having
first received either a UCAS application formor an application formfor a
postgraduate programme of study. Award of Scholarships is up to amaximumof
£1,500 (or £750 for BA Geography) and is at the discretion of the Department.
Departmentsmay award a Scholarship subject to satisfaction of any conditions,
which it determines appropriate for entry to the programme of study.
Scholarshipsmay only be awarded to applicants satisfying general University,
Departmental and Programme of Study regulations.
The Scholarship is payable as a credit against tuition fees only, No guarantee of a
Scholarship can bemade where an applicant indicates that he/she wishes to defer
entry to 2012/13. The Scholarship is awarded per annumfor the normal period of
study. No student shall be entitled to a scholarship in excess of the period of study
for which they are originally registered. This should be noted by any student
wishing, after their first year of study, to transfer to the first year of another
programme of study. The continuation of a scholarship after the first year of study is
subject to satisfactory performance in assessments and examinations and
progression to the next normal year of study. Scholarships are not transferable
between Departments.Where a student wishes to transfer to another programme of
study in another Department, the new Department is under no obligation to honour
the commitment to a scholarship. Any student wishing to transfer to another
Department be advised tomake appropriate enquiries of the new Department in
advance of any firmdecision to transfer.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 September 2011
For more information contact the relevant department. Details can be found at
The University of Hull
CottinghamRoad, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK
Download (pdf):
Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with
Relevance to Developing Countries 2012/2013
Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries
CALL for APPLICATION: March 2011 – Study in Germany
28th July 2011)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Deutscher Akademischer
Austausch Dienst – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German
universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals
from Developing Countries with further specialized studies. The DAAD supports
these selected programs with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial
assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programs run 12
to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an
internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.
Target group:
University teaching staff, researchers and professionals holding an academic degree
and with at least two years of experience in the public or private institutions in the
following areas:
• Economic Sciences / Business Administration/ Political Economics
• Development Co-operation
• Engineering and related sciences
• Mathematics
• Regional Planning
• Agricultural and Forest Sciences
• Environmental Sciences
• Public Health / Veterinary Medicine / Medicine
• Social Science, Education and Law
• Media Studies
Criteria for applying:
• Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
• For some courses, Bachelor degree should have been completed not longer than 6
years at the time of application. Concerning this matter, please directly
contact the coordinator of the respective study program
• Degree: Bachelor or Master
• GPA: min 2,75 for Master candidates (some study programs applied GPA more
than 2,75. Please see the detail on the website of each study program) and
3,00 for Doctoral candidates
• Work experience: at least two years after completing Bachelor degree.
• Language skill:
For postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL
(minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet
based) or IELTS (band 6). Some courses may expect a different level.
For detailed information see the website of the relevant course.
For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the
course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required
before admission to the course.
Contact Information
Information and DAAD form are available from the:
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas I, Lt. 19
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Consultation hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Contact person: Ms.
Dwi Nurlianti/Ms. Muji Rahayu
Phone: (021) 520 0870 / 525 2807
Fax: (021) 525
Further postgraduate courses information, application documents, and how to
apply, visit the official website:
IWC Water Leader Scholarships for International
Host Institutions: University of Queensland, Griffith University, Monash University,
The University of Western Australia
Field of study: Masters in Integrated Water Management
The International Water Centre (IWC) Water Leader Scholarships are now open for
the 2012 scholarship round. Applications close on 1 August 2011.
Every year, the International WaterCentre (IWC) awards scholarships to a small
number of excellent candidates who are accepted into the IWC Master of Integrated
Water Management (MIWM). Scholarships are awarded to applicants who clearly
demonstrate potential to become water leaders of the future.
About the Master of Integrated Water Management
The Masters program is custom-designed by leading practitioners and academics
from a range of disciplines from four leading universities in Australia.
The program takes a whole-of-water-cycle approach and equips students with the
integration, leadership and managerial skills to become part of an elite group of
water leaders with sustainable and holistic solutions to global water and climate
change challenges.
The program starts in February (Semester 1) at The University of Queensland,
Scholarship value
• Full-tuition fee ($41,520) or full-time or part-time/distance** study of the Master
of Integrated Water Management
• Partial-tuition fee* for full-time or part-time/distance** study of the Master of
Integrated Water Management
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for international students
Note: the scholarship does not include travel, accommodation, field work, or living
costs. These costs will be the responsibility of successful recipients.
Who can apply
The scholarship is available to eligible Australian/New Zealand citizens, Australian
permanent residents and international applicants to study the IWC Master of
Integrated Water Management (MIWM) program which begins in February 2012
(Semester 1).
Entry requirements
To apply for the scholarship, you must also apply for the MIWM program. Both
applications must be received by 1 August 2011.
• Completion of the equivalent of an Australian undergraduate degree in a related
field of study from an internationally-recognised institution.
• Demonstrated English language proficiency
• Two years practical experience in a related field is preferred but not required.
Application Deadline for IWC Water Leader Scholarships
1 August 2011
Further scholarship information and application:
Questions about the IWC Water Leader scholarships or MIWM program
Please make sure you have read Frequently Asked Questions pages before
contacting us.
Phone: +61 7 3123 7766
International Summer School Course 2011 2012, Universitas
Summer School
Disability and
Dates :
4th-29th July 2011
(3 weeks classes and 1 week group assignments)
Venue :
Faculty of Public Health,
Universitas Indonesia (UI),
Depok, West
The 2nd Disability and Development (D&D)
course focuses on
specific issues related to
disability and rehabilitation in the context
development. The course will provide the
student with skills in the field
of project
planning and management using a logical
framework method. It
offers the student
opportunities to go through and practice the
process of project management
through experiential learning. Another
subject will be monitoring and evaluation
methods, currently used in
the field of CBR
programmes. The importance and use of
Information Systems (MIS) will
be discussed in some detail, since this is
cornerstone of good monitoring and
evaluation. Students will practice
setting up a
simple MIS themselves.
The Summer School on Disability and
Development (D&D) is both a
course and the 2nd module in a series on
Disability and
Development. The Summer
School is a collaborative undertaking
Faculty of Public Health Universitas
Indonesia, the Centre for
Disability Studies
FISIP-UI and the VU University Amsterdam.
Fluency in spoken and written in English is
required, since
course will be taught in
International students : €1,800
Indonesian students : Rp 3,000,000,-
• Meals (3 times a day):
? €6 or Rp. 60.000,- per day on campus
• Accommodation:
Off campus: €150 per month
On campus: €10-30 perday
(Makara Hotel
or Pusat Studi Jepang)
Faculty of Public Health
Universitas Indonesia
DR. Rita Damayanti
Meliana Sari, SKM
Beasiswa S2 untuk PNS: Master of Information
Technology, UGM
Beasiswa Pendidikan S2 CIO KemKominfo 2011
Program pasca sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Magister Teknologi
Informasi bersama dengan Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI
menyelenggarakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 bagi pegawai negeri sipil untuk
program Pascasarjana/S2 Chief Information Officer.
Beasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada calon mahasiswa terpilih dari lingkungan instansi
pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau
skill dan bermotivasi besar untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan e-
Government di Indonesia.
Maksud dan Tujuan
Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO (Chief Information Officer) ditujukan untuk
eksekutif/pengambil kebijakan yang bertanggungjawab mempromosikan TI sebagai
sarana peningkatan kualitas birokrasi pemerintahan, baik pada level strategis
maupun operasional. Program Pascasarjana/S2 CIO MTI UGM dirancang untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan SDM dalam rangka pengembangan e-Government di lembaga
pemerintah tingkat pusat maupun daerah.
Ketentuan Umum – Kriteria Calon Penerima Beasiswa
Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:
• Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang ditempatkan di lembaga-lembaga departemen,
non departemen, baik di lingkungan pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah.
• Memiliki masa kerja sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun terhitung mulai tanggal
diangkat menjadi PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.
• Bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di
lingkungan asalnya.
• Terbuka untuk semua sektor/bidang/dinas di instansi pemerintah.
• Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada saat mendaftar.
• Belum memiliki gelar S2 dan tidak sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 di
tempat lain.
• Tidak menerima dan/atau sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga lain.
Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:
• Ijazah dan transkrip akan akademik S1 yang telah dilegalisir.
• IPK S1 minimum 3,0.
• Skor minimal TOEFL 450 dari PPB UGM atau ITP-TOEFL oleh institusi yang
ditunjuk oleh The Indonesian Internasional Education Foundation.
• Skor minimal TPA 500 yang dikeluarkan oleh Bappenas, Puspendik Litbang
Diknas dan UGM.
• Bagi yang belum memiliki nilai TPA dan/atau TOEFL (seperti point 3 dan 4)
diperkenankan mengumpul berkas pendaftaran.
• Asal Program Studi S1 memperoleh Akreditasi oleh BAN PT.
• Surat rekomendasi dari 2 orang/pihak yang mengetahui kemampuan akademik.
• Surat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi
setingkat Eselon II) yang menjelaskan bahwa bidang kerja yang ditangani
terkait dengan pengembangan E-Government.
• Proyeksi keinginan dalam mengikuti program S2.
• Surat ijin dari instansi/lembaga tempat bekerja.
• Surat keterangan jaminan pembayaran.
• Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter.
• Daftar riwayat hidup.
• Pas foto 3×4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
• Portofolio berisi penjelasan proyek, penelitian, makalah, atau buku dibidang TI
yang pernah dikerjakan selama 3 tahun terkahir (menjadi nilai tambah).
• Semua persyaratan dibuat dalam rangkap 2.
Prosedur Aplikasi
1. Tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran.
2. Calon penerima beasiswa mengunduh dan mengisi berkas pendaftaran yang
dapat diunduh disini atau disini(Upload UGM).
3. Berkas pendaftaran dikirim via pos atau diantar langsung ke kantor Magister
Teknologi Informasi UGM.
4. Paling lambat diterima 29 Juni 2011. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat
administrasi (shortlisted) akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes seleksi TI dan
Keterangan Lebih Lanjut
Informasi resmi Program Beasiswa Pendidikan S2 CIO KemKominfo 2011 di MTI
UGM dapat diakses di situs web MTI UGM,
Alamat Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
Magister Teknologi Informasi Universitas
Gadjah Mada
Gedung Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi lantai 2
Teknik Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta
Postgraduate Scholarships for International applicants in the field of
Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Bath in UK
Study Subject: Humanities and Social Sciences
Employer: University of Bath
There are 10 scholarships. At least two are reserved for MRes candidates.Be an
international applicant for MSc or MRes postgraduate studies in the Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences for 2011 entry. The scholarship is worth £2000 and
will be in the form of a discount in tuition fees. The taught postgraduate scholarship
is for one year only and cannot be deferred to a later year. All our scholarship
holders are chosen for their academic excellence. We will also use the information
you provide in the separate scholarship application form to judge your application
together with your original course application.If you already have a partial
scholarship from another organisation (including another University of Bath
scholarship such as a University or Alumni award) for part of your tuition fees, you
can combine this scholarship with another one provided that it does not equal more
than the cost of your tuition fees.
However, we will not give a Graduate School Scholarship to anyone who already has
a full award (from another organisation) to pay for their tuition fees.If your financial
situation changes, then the University reserves the right to reconsider the award.
For example: in the case that you were awarded a full fee scholarship from another
organization you would no longer be eligible for the Graduate School Scholarship.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 29 July 2011
ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student
Exchange Program 2011
ASEAN University Network (AUN) adalah kolaborasi antara Daejeon Univeristy dan
Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan, Korea siap meluncurkan Program
Pertukaran Beasiswa ASEAN Millennium Leaders antara Korea dan negara-negara
ASEAN di tahun 2011 ini. Berikut info beasiswa Korea 2011 di Daejeon University
ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student Exchange Program 2011
The ASEAN University Network (AUN) in collaboration with Daejeon University
(DJU) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Korea are now ready to launch the
ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student Exchange Program between the
Republic of Korea and ASEAN Nations 2011
Scholarship Information:
Full Scholarships covering tuition fee, room and board,
roundtrip ticket, and living allowance, will be offered to 30 students from ASEAN
Nations who interested to study in the fields of Social Science and ICT at Daejeon
University for the year 2011-2012. The program is developed for international
exchange students and classes will be taught in English.
Admission Requirement:
• Applicant must be a citizen of ASEAN nations and currently enrolled in College or
• Undergraduate students majoring in Information Technology (e.g. Computer
Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical/Electrics Engineering,
Communications Engineering or IT related major) or,
• Undergraduate students majoring in Social Science Studies (e.g. Economics,
Business, Public Administration, Political Science, International Studies) and
Korean Studies
• Applicant must has an excellent academic record (Should be in the top 10% of
their classes)
• Applicant must have a good command of written and spoken English.
• Applicant must have a good medical record.
- Application Deadline: July 10, 2011
- Scholarship Announcement: July
30, 2011
- Arrival Date (Fall Semester): September 1, 2011
- Scholarship Period:
September 2011 – June 2012
How to Apply:
Untuk informasi beasiswa lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa Korea Selatan Daejeon
University 2011 – ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student Exchange Program
2011, serta tata cara pengajuan aplikasi beasiswa tersebut, dapat Anda akses di
situs resminya.
PhD Studentships @ Kingston University London
2011 2012
Kingston University has established an international reputation for high quality,
innovative research and is now seeking to make a substantial investment in 50 new
PhD studentships available for 2011/2012.
Available subject areas
We are looking for students with expertise that matches our areas of research
excellence. Applications are invited from qualified individuals in the following areas:
• Art, Design and Architecture
• Arts and Social Sciences
• Business and Law
• Health and Social Care Sciences
• Science, Engineering and Computing
Three different types of studentship are available:
• Stipend plus fees (full-time tuition fees at Home/EU level and a stipend at UK
Research Council rates (£15,590pa) for a period of up to three years).
• Fees only (full-time tuition fees at Home/EU level for a period of up to three
• Part funded (full-time tuition fees Home/EU level plus a contribution towards a
stipend for a period of up to three years)
Applicants should hold a minimum of UK honours degree at 2:1 level or equivalent,
though preference will be given to applicants who hold a masters degree.
Only full-time candidates will be considered due to funding constraints.
Applicants must meet the entry criteria for research degrees at Kingston University.
More information is available on the research degrees webpage.
How to apply
Read the Studentships Guidelines (PDF).
Initial enquiries may be made by email to the Graduate Research School at
Applications should include:
1. a Studentship Application Form (PDF);
2. a Reference Form (PDF) with two references;
3. transcripts; and
4. a project proposal of 500–1,000 words.
Applications and references should be emailed to or
posted to:
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
River House, 53–57 High
Kingston upon Thames
Closing date and interviews
The closing date for receipt of fully completed applications is 12.00noon on Monday
20 June 2011. Interviews will be held between 1 and 15 July 2011.
Untuk informasi beasiswa luar negeri ke Inggris program beasiswa ke London 2011
lebih lengkap mengenai PhD Studentship Kingston University London 2011-2012
ini, Anda dapat mengakses website resmi terkait di sini.
GKS Exchange Scholarship 2011, Korea.
GKS Scholarship Pelajar Indonesia, Korea Selatan menawarkan program beasiswa
ke Korea Selatan khusus untuk pelajar yang berasal dari negara-negara anggota
ASEAN, termasuk Indonesia. Bagi Anda yang tertarik mengirimkan aplikasi
pendaftaran beasiswa Korea Selatan GKS Exchange Scholarship for 2011 Fall
GKS (Global Korea Scholarship) Exchange Scholarship for 2011 Fall Semester
• Students should be officially nominated by our international partner universities
in the regions listed below
• Students should participate in at least one-semester course (Fall 2011) through
our exchange program.
• Students are required to provide the evidence(transcript) of their GPA of over 3.0
out of 4.5.
• Current exchange students are not eligible to apply for this program.
• Only Undergraduate students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program
Nationality Qualification
• ASEAN 10 Countries
• Central Asian, Middle East and African Countries
• East Europe & other developing countries except China
If you are interested in this scholarshop program, please feel free to contact Mr.
KWON at You can also go to their official website for further
information about this Global Korea Scholarship 2011 atau beasiswa Korea Selatan
2011, di sini.
Beasiswa Luar Negeri S1 ke Rusia
Pemerintah Federasi Rusia menawarkan para pelajar dan peniliti Indonesia
sebanyak 35 beasiswa untuk jenjang pendidikan S-1 (Bachelor), dan S-2 (Magister),
dan jenjang S-3 (Aspirantura), pos-doktoral (Doktorantura), serta
penelitian/pelatihan (Stazhirovka). Dari jumlah tersebut, 25 beasiswa disediakan
khusus untuk jenjang S1.
Beasiswa luar negeri ke Rusia ini disediakan untuk semua ilmu alam, ilmu teknik,
ilmu sosial, serta ilmu humaniora. Beasiswa tidak diberikan untuk mereka yang
ingin menimba ilmu hubungan internasional, seni, dan olahraga. Untuk bidang studi
hukum dan ilmu politik pun masing-masing hanya tersedia satu beasiswa,
sedangkan kedokteran hanya tersedia dua beasiswa.
Beasiswa juga tersedia untuk ilmu-ilmu khusus seperti pendidikan, kesehatan
masyarakat, ekonomi dan manajemen, spesialisasi interdisipliner ilmu alam, geologi
dan sumber daya mineral, eksplorasi mineral, ilmu energi dan teknik mesin
pembangkit, metalurgi, konstruksi mesin dan pemrosesan material, penerbangan,
roket dan teknologi angkasa, teknologi maritim, peralatan transportasi darat,
teknologi pertambangan dan perlengkapan, teknik elektro, pengendalian alat-alat
gedung; radioteknik dan komunikasi, automasi dan kontrol, komputer dan
informatika, eksploitasi transportasi, teknologi kimia, reproduksi dan proses
sumber daya kehutanan, teknologi makanan, teknologi komoditas konsumen,
arsitektur dan ilmu konstruksi, geodesi dan kartografi; agrikultur dan perikanan,
ekologi dan pemanfaatan alam, serta kesehatan dan keselamatan.
Syarat utamanya, usia pelamar tidak lebih dari 25 tahun dan saat mendaftarkan
beasiswa ini tidak lebih dari 3 tahun setelah tamat SMU. Pelamar juga harus
memiliki ijazah SMU setara ijazah SMU di Rusia dengan nilai rata-rata 8,0 atau 80 %
untuk mata pelajaran sesuai program studi/jurusan pilihan dan tidak ada angka
merah untuk mata pelajaran lain.
Sebelum menimba ilmu, pelamar akan terlebih dulu mengikuti fakultas persiapan
selama 1 tahun untuk mempelajari Bahasa Rusia dan mata pelajaran sesuai program
studi/jurusan pilihannya.
Khusus beasiswa jenjang S-1 ini, skema beasiswa dari pemerintah Federasi Rusia ini
senilai 1100 rubel atau 30,5 USD per bulan, tiket pesawat pergi-pulang Rusia-
Indonesia sekitar 900 USD, serta biaya penjemputan atau transportasi dari airport
ke tempat tujuan dan registrasi paspor minimal 250 USD (kecuali untuk kota-kota di
luar Moskow).
Selain itu, pemerintah Rusia juga akan memberikan asrama mahasiswa sebagai
hunian di sana. Hanya, ongkos sewanya dibebankan kepada penerima beasiswa
yang nilainya sekitar 30 USD per 6 bulan.
Keterangan lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini bisa menghubungi Defri Mustika
( di Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia
(PIPKR) pada hari kerja Senin-Jumat, 11.00-17.00 WIB. Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan
Kebudayaan Rusia, Jl. Diponegoro 12, Menteng, Jakarta 10310/Tel : 021-31935290.
Beasiswa Swiss Werner Siemens-Foundation
Fellowship 2011
Werner Siemens-Foundation sponsoring PhD scholarship in the field of Life Sciences
for International students.
Excellent students from all over the world are encouraged to apply for a prestigious
fellowship Werner Siemens-Foundation. The aim of the fellowships which are
sponsored by the Werner Siemens-Foundation (http://www.wernersiemens- is to select and promote highly talented graduate students in the area
of Life Sciences. The fellowships offer direct access to the PhD program, generous
financial support, a rotation-based selection of the research group, and support for
the attendance of scientific meetings and courses during the PhD.
Application form
Please fill out the application form here and submit it online.
Upload a copy of your diplomas, grades and CV (max. one page) as a PDF file.
Reference letters
Two letters of reference are required before the deadline directly from your
referees. You will find further information how to proceed once you have filled the
online application.
Application deadline:
June 30th, 2011
Untuk informasi beasiswa lengkap mengenai beasiswa Fellowship Werner Siemens-
Foundation ke Switzerland / Swiss program 2011, klik di sini.
Bangor University International Scholarship 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Bangor University was founded in 1884, making it one of the oldest and most
prestigious degree awarding institutions in the UK. For more than 120 years
students from all over the world have graduated from Bangor and as a result
gone on to achieve great success in their chosen careers.
The University offers an International Research Scholarship of up to £1500
reduction in fees.
Who are Eligible
Everyone who is interested
• If you are currently a student at Bangor University, please note that you will
not be eligible to apply for the International Scholarship.
• International Scholarships are awarded only to students who have not been
offered any other awards, scholarships or bursaries from Bangor
University, its Colleges or Schools
• Students who will be enrolled at ELCOS should apply for the International
Scholarship before arriving at Bangor to study the English Language
Course at ELCOS
• All awards will be announced at the beginning of July 2011 via e-mail
• All scholarships shall be reviewed on an annual basis
• The International Office will reduce or totally withhold an award if the
holder has not made distinct progress in his/her studies as certified by
tutors and as shown in the examinations of the University, or if his/her
conduct and diligence has not been satisfactory
• Applicants must be resident overseas for fees purposes.
• Students wishing to apply for a scholarship must firstly submit an
application to study at Bangor University. Completed scholarship
applications must be sent directly to the International Office by scan,
fax or post. Applications should be received at the university no later
than 30th of June 2011. Any applications received after the 30th of June,
2011 will not be considered
• Scholarship application forms can be downloaded by clicking on the links
below: International Scholarship Application (Research)
• Correct scholarship applications must be used (2011 Entry). All
scholarship applications must be fully completed. Incomplete
applications will not be considered and will be sent back to you
Additonal Information
Tel: +44 (0) 1248 382028
Official site:
Referensi Info Beasiswa:
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